Are you a small business owner that wishes to be competitive in the online market? Then you must have a professional website.
“Why not use one of those free websites? Why do I have to hire a professional web designer?”
I am so glad you asked. Well, statistics say that:
- business owners that do not have a professionally created website risk losing potential customers on the Internet and in their stores.
- consumers search the internet and evaluate products and companies long before they decide to actually make a purchase.
And you know what? If your website doesn’t seem professional or secure, they will simply move on to your competition.
While sales and online credibility are the top two main factors for having a professional website created, this 5 reasons will help you understand why hiring a professional web designer is crucial to your business.
1. Custom design
When you hire a professional web designer your website will be created to suit your business needs. What do you want to achieve with your website? Do you want to gather subscibers? Sell products? Answer specific customer questions? Or you want your website to be purely informational?
Whatever you decide, a professional web designer has the capabilities to make that happen and has the experience to know what would be best for your business.
2. Visuals
People are very visual, so it is important to get your colors, graphics and elements right. A professional web designer will make sure that your color scheme, text and navigation are designed to be user-friendly and appealing.
3. New trends
The Internet changes every day. New trends, new codes, new ways to attract visitors to your website happen every day. When you use a professional web designer, you can be certain that your wevsite is being created with the latest technologies and according to the latest trends, for your optimal success.
4. SEO
SEO is a technique used by professional web designers to make your website rank better on search engines (like Google). If Google can’t find you, believe me, your potential customer will not find you either.
5. Webmaster services
You know what the funny part is? Unlike what you believe, the website is never complete. Websites need to be maintained regulary to remain popular, successful and up-to-date.
Many people don’t realize why it is important to get professional web design, and what is even worse, the damage a poorly created website can cause to their business. There is absolutely no reason for taking such a risk with your business when professional website services are cost-effective and easily accessible.
Tell me, do you have a website? Are you happy with it? Because if you are not 100% happy with it and sure it is 100% functional, how can you expect your customers to be…
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You make some great points. #5 I find incredibly true. I am very new to making my website but I am constantly looking at other sites to make sure mine is up to par and running smoothly. Things on the internet are constantly changing and sometimes I think websites are not updated as they should be. Nice to know having a website designer would take care of that issue automatically. Thank you for the info!
Hi Heather. Yeah, #5 may be the most important of all of them. Because I see a lot of websites that are just not functioning as they should be. Buttons not working, funny code showing, not optimized for smaller screens… Those are all things people need to constantly check after the website is done… But they usually don’t. And it’s a shame. They invested money in the initial creation and then decided not to maintain it. And you know… a bad website is not a profitable website.
I’ve been thinking about how to take my blog to the next level! Thank you for sharing this. Loads of great reasons to give it a try.
Your blog actually looks really great. Just keep it up like that and you will be fine 🙂
I tried to design my blog, oh boy what a mess I created. It took me weeks to learn and design something, I finally gave up and hired a professional web designer to do the job. I am glad I did because the difference was clear. This was one of the signs that I need to invest in my blog if I want to earn from it.
I was just looking at your blog the other day and I really love it. Great choice… The professional help really paid off 🙂
Are you a website designer? I have thought about hiring one because I’ve had such a headache with my site lately. What would be the cost of a website designer? Most bloggers when starting out just can’t afford them and I believe that’s why they don’t hire one right off the bat. I have spent so much money on my site so far and it’s frustrating to spend more and more and more. I think a website designer may be a better option.
Hi Felicia, yes I am a web designer 🙂 I know most bloggers don’t hire professional help because let’s face it, at the beginning bloggers are not making very much money. But eventually, it’s good to get some professional help, at least to make the website functional again, fix some errors. You can send me a msg and let me know what problems you are having, and we can see how much would that cost.
Very nice tips! You dont design websites yourself do you? If so would’ve been very nice to have my own unique design 🙂
Thank you, Leana. Yes, I design and code websites myself 🙂 You can send me a msg and we can take a look at what your options are to making a unique design just for you 🙂
I could not agree with you more! A professional web designer can make your site not only perform better, it has fewer issues in the long run and it will be the best money you ever spend!
That is right Julia. At first, it may seem a web designer costs too much, but looking longterm, it is more than affordable.
Karmen you have brought up some very valid points here and I totally agree with you that having a business means you must have a professional looking website! I am a blogger and I have always preferred to set up my own websites simply because I don’t have extra finances to set up a website professionally and starting a simple blog is relatively easy to set up on my own. That’s not to say I’m not interested in making it look that much more professional and of course there is the fixing up of errors I encounter that are so frustrating.
So I am so grateful and appreciative of the WordPress assistance you have given me – so quick and professional – just the little bit of help I need to get myself to that next level.
LOVE this! It’s so important to let a professional help you get things right, especially SEO! I also find that clients don’t understand why they need ongoing maintenance.